Now then, now then!
The headlines said: "Savile's Nephew Says Body Should Be Exhumed"
Heres some hilarious comments from readers in reply:
For goodness sake. It's a cadaver. It's not Jimmy Savile. It's a collection of degenerating proteins and trace elements. The personality that was Jimmy Savile is not in the coffin. That consciousness has ceased to exist and there is nothing you can do to hurt it. The bull doesn't cry when you eat the steak. Have you all gone stark raving mad?
He's dead, he's surrounded by concrete, he's buried under 6' of earth, It's highly unlikely he's looking anywhere let alone down on anyone unless he's a zombie with x-ray vision.
What is this? A return to the 14th century? We don't need a witch hunting ritual.
Maybe we should stake him, chuck a bit of garlic around, feck it..get Buffy in. The guy's dead.
The Saville affair is getting more stupid by the day. What next ,open his coffin and drive a stake through his heart? All the claims of abuse by Saville cannot be proven, and, as the man is dead they cannot be defended. There may be some who where 'abused' by Saville, it is too late, he is dead.
We are all turning in to ghouls now,what is the point in digging him up,there will be no more "Now then, now then! Ow's about that then!"
They could take it to the OLD BAILEY AND LET HIM STAND TRIAL, The blokes DEAD for gordon bennets sake whether it remains there or not nobody but noBODY can hurt him because he aint with us any more.
What Rubbish is this?
The man is dead and buried.What good is it to destroy his grave? Or maybe they want to stuff him and put him on display in the London Dungeons while they are at it.
What sort of nation have we become when we talk about disinterring dead people and burning their bodies? Are we to drive stakes through suicides bodies? The man is dead and gone and best left forgotten to rot in Hell.
This has got ridiculous.
Dig him up, have him hung drawn and quartered, then stick his head on a pole at the Tower of London. goes from the sublime to the ridiculous. What is in the cemetery are his mortal remains...his soul is gone, gone, gone.
Next we shall hear from other factions that if he is cremated, parts of his essence will still be in the air (because man can neither create nor destroy matter) so there will be a campaign to shoot his remnants in to outer space.
Are we living in the 21st century? Why don't we go the whole way and bury him at a crossroads with garlic bulbs in his pockets and a stake through his heart?
And then what ... Feed him to the crows ? Does this make us any better other then set the stage for a medieval vigilante culture in 21st century Britain?
When are we having elections for Witchfinder General and Lord High Executioner?
What does he think is going to happen, Savile's reanimated cadaver going round molesting the other corpses? This story gets more and more ridiculous.
Here we have people demanding that not only should a legally innocent man be stripped of all dignity and right to a trial, but that he should now be unceremoniously dug up and chucked in the sea, because THEY have decided that he is guilty. This is absolute insanity, yet there's people out there that evidently view it as acceptable or even normal.
Oh dear god are you being serious?
I thought this was 2012 not 1212 ? Really, get a grip people you're getting very silly here; he's dead, he's gone and now what, we're going to dig him up his remains and dance on his ashes? Maybe can we find some witches to burn at the same time? Maybe Savile's corpse should be hung, drawn and quartered at Tyburn (well, Marble Arch is close enough), I mean that'd learn 'im!
He's DEAD..... and no matter what there is nothing you can do to him.