Teen Idiot: Hey everyone, has anyone got the video of the boerboel killing the leopard? thanks!
Forum member: A clawless/toothless leopard no doubt. And what a wierd first post!!!!
Teen Idiot: Hi there, do you have the vid? Im trying to prove to my friend that my pet boerboel can beat big cats on certain conditions, i dont doubt that a leopard will beat a boerbeol atleast 7.5 times, but not always.
Forum Member: But only 7.5 times, definitely not 8. And what conditions are those, on a sunny day, or with no teeth? Look on youtube if you must.
Member Two: F**k! My dog's harder than your dog! Idiots like you should be banned from keeping dogs, especially big powerful breeds!
Forum Member: He is in dream land mate. A a cat like that can drag a 180lb deer up a feckin tree, it would kill any dog no prob. Them s/a dogs aint much differnt to a bullmastiff, and i kept bullmastiffs. A good bullx grey would give them s/a dogs a good run for there money, they big unfit fat feckers.
Teen Idiot: Yes i know a leopard could kill any dog, but someoone said they have a video of a boerboel killing a leopard and i just wanted to see if it was true.
Forum Member: If its the same one i'm thinking of its a half drugged, de-claw, de-toothed Leopard and it still puts up a fight.
Member Two: Not a chance! A male Leopard can weigh up to 200lbs.....a male boarboel the same....but the felines agility would wipe the floor with any dog end of story.
I used to have a Neoplitan bitch who weighed roughly 150lbs i would not back her against any cat over 70lbs even then she would prob got her ass handed to her.
Forum Member: Anyway what certain situations? In the vids I have seen it shows the cat with its back feet pushing at the dogs abdomen while the dog is latched on to the cats head, with claws that dog would have been gutted.
Teen Idiot: I'd say a boerboel could kill only the smallest of leopards.
Forum Member: I would say not a chance and this thread reminds me of being back in primary school.
Another Member: i've seen the video know the owner who's dog it was. Its the same one one that smashed the hyena.
Forum Member:
Member Two: This thread is a care ad for the mentaly challenged.
Plain and simple answer OP (original poster) forget it... it never happened, never will and your a numpty for asking on an open forum. It was more than likely de - clawed and toothed or possibly stoned on an Opium, Ketamine bong mix.
Sensible Member: Depends how the dog grabs the leopard mate. Granted most times the leopard will kill the dog but it does happen.
Forum Member: Sorry mate but we will just have to disagree on this one. Even if the dog did somehow manage to grab it clean around the throat it wouldn't hold on very long with its guts trailing along the floor would it?
Teen Idiot: Oh f**k it, I can't get one serious answer.
Sensible Member: Ask a serious question then. No one will ever take this post serious......no dog no matter what the breed could kill a leopard unless it was declawed and drugged end of story......this post should be locked out and deleted
Member Two: No dog on this planet would take a mountain lion single handed, not a fit adult lion anyway. I saw the aftermath of a dog vs lion encounter up on the Mogolon in Arizona when we were out hunting elk. As the owner said, thats one pussy you dont f**k with as he took his shredded dog away to get sewn up. Mountain lions have 5 out of 6 ends pointy....dogs have a set of teeth - no contest.